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[我的轮胎]  发表时间:2014-05-13

 “我的轮胎”(http://www.mytyrenet.com) 是由境外创投基金和北京迈泰尔信息技术有限公司共同投资经营,集轮胎行业资讯、电子商务、网络技术服务为一体的全国性大型综合IT服务网站,提供专业的轮 胎资讯交互平台、一站式轮胎电子商务服务。目前网站有300多位分布在全国的信息收集和处理的专业人员,“我的轮胎”首创了轮胎行业全国性轮胎价格行情跟 踪、轮胎市场动态报道、轮胎市场分析评述;首次在业内发布轮胎经销商价格指数、经销商库存指数、经销商信心指数;首次发布针对买家的全国轮胎批发价格排名 和代理商资源查询服务;连续报道上游原材料价格行情和动态、轮胎生产企业动态资讯;提供轮胎电子商务贸易信息平台等服务。
    Mytyrenet.com is founded by Beijing Mytyrenet Information & Technology Co. Ltd. And a famous oversea investment fund. It is a comprehensive IT service website providing update news on tire and rubber industries, electronic commerce and webpage making services. Mytyrenet.com has been the first professional website offering consistent and update market prices and news of about PCR tire, TBR tire, LT tire, OTR tire, ID tire and AG tire in about 30 provinces of China, and those of upstream raw materials such as crude oil, rubber, etc, in-depth analysis about tire market changes, recent news about tire manufacturers, as well as online trade platform for tire distributors all over the country.



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